The natural cycle of water

In nature, water actively participates in the life that exploits and transforms it. On a global scale, water is constantly passing through different states - liquid, water vapor, ice. This cycle resulting from the thermodynamics of our land ensures access to water for living beings and the recycling of materials and products that wastewater carries.

The natural cycle of water

Artificial cycles of water

The growth of humans on earth would not have been possible without the increasingly sophisticated technologies of water transportation and treatment. These allow him to consume water and make the most of it while using the techniques of purifying rejected water in order to reintegrate it into the natural cycle.

Artificial cycles of water

In parallel with the natural cycle, man treats water in various artificial cycles:

Three important stations are noted: drinking water plant, lifting station, treatment station.

The drinking water factory

The drinking water factory

Mineral and organic impurities that are harmful to the health and use of man are separated from water of natural origin.

The lifting station

The lifting station

The lifting station ensures a further increase in pressure in case of occasional drop.

Causes of pressure drop:

The wastewater treatment plant

The wastewater treatment plant

In use, the water is loaded with multitudes of impurities to be evacuated.
In order to minimize the pollution of nature, when a water laden with toxic products from industry and the private sector is discharged from the ground, it is passed to a treatment station which extracts and separates the foreign matter from its source. natural state.

These are mainly sludge separated by more or less passive treatments

Components of water transport

The liquid must be transported from one point to another sometimes on long journeys. It must be routed without leaks between each of the stations, users and access to natural water. The range of components for the transport of water makes it possible to respond to all geological and topographical situations. What is this material made of?
The use of the transported product is associated with the color of the equipment installed:

The colour






Transport of drinking water


Fire equipment

Depending on the use and the diameters requested different materials are available

The material


(PVC / PE)

Polyethylene RC


(Glass Reinforced



for long journeys

<strong>Tubes</strong><br>for long journeys

provide the connections
between the various components

<strong>Fittings</strong><br>provide the connections<br>between the various components

Management of the passage of liquids

<strong>Taps</strong><br>Management of the passage of liquids

Lift stations
Pressure management

<strong>Pumps</strong><br>Lift stations<br>Pressure management

Different junction modes like for example



chamber tulip

Double<br>chamber tulip<br>connection<br>locked

Simple tulip
link and VI
(Tyton SIT +)

Simple tulip<br>link and VI<br>(Tyton SIT +)

flange tulip

<br>Connection<br>flange tulip

The order in which
the screws must be tightened is very strict.

Switching from one connection
mode to another

At high pressures (up to 100 Bar) the tulip connections are double chambered.
1. chamber: housing of the seal
2. room: housing of the keys of locking

Various seals

Flat reinforced joint

VRST seal

TYTON seal

TYTON SIT + gasket

Coatings of water transport components

To avoid leaks many problems are to be solved. This "skin" that represents the walls of the pipes must be imperatively protected against the various mechanical, chemical or electrochemical attacks that can alter the substance of the inside as well as the outside.

Coatings of water transport components

Active protection: As the cement is hygrophilic, it becomes impregnated with water and thus creates an alkaline environment protecting the melt from corrosion.
Passive protection: consists in producing a barrier between the cast iron and the transported liquid.

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Water cycles
Ten-page pdf document


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